California: The Utility Reform Network (TURN) honors cell tower promoter Sen. Ben Hueso as “Public Health Champion”

From TURN, Winter 2019

Though TURN was n early champion of communities in fighting  Smart Meters, that support disappeared after TURN’s Michel Florio was appointed to the CPUC. CPUC-PG&E emails released after several lawsuits showed that Florio helped judge shop for PG&E in a proceeding, and also talked about tin-foil hats in reference to the public.

Sen. Ben Hueso co-authored California Senate Bill 649 in 2017 to take away local government control over cell towers in the public right of way, and to allow these “small cell” towers along streets and sidewalks, next to homes, schools, hospitals, parks and throughout communties,

Hueso and co-author Asm. Bill Quirk did give firefighters an exemption from having these small cells on their fire facilities due to the health effects but ignored the considerable testimony by members of the public disabled by electromagnetic sensitivity from current emissions levels, and the impacts of  increased exposure, the access barriers to their homes and communities, and costs to the state.

Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed the bill after the legislature approved it.

Sen. Ben Hueso is TURN’s Public Health Champion.


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