Synopsis: Wi-Fi Radiation in Schools in Maryland — Final Report


Based upon a review of the research and public input, the Maryland Children’s Environmental Health and Protection Advisory Council adopted a report on Wi-Fi Radiation in Maryland Schools in December, 2016.

The report makes the following recommendations:
“The Council recommends that the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene ask the United States Department of Health and Human Services to formally petition the FCC to revisit the exposure limit to ensure it is protective of children’s health and that it relies on current science.

  • The Maryland State Department of Education should recommend that local school systems:

○ Consider using wired devices.

■ Where classrooms have internet access with a wireless connection, WiFi can be turned off and wired local area network (LAN) can provide a reliable and secure form of networking for as many wireless devices as necessary without any microwave electromagnetic field exposure.

■ If a new classroom is to be built, or electrical work is to be carried out in an existing classroom, network cables can be added at the same time, providing wired network access with minimal extra cost and time.

○ Have children place devices on desks to serve as barrier between the device and children’s bodies.

○ Locate laptops in the classroom in a way that keeps pupil heads as far away from the laptop screens (where the antennas are) as practicable.

○ Consider using screens designed to reduce eyestrain.

○ Consider using a switch to shut down the router when it is not in use.

○ Teach children to turn off WiFi when not in use.

○ Consider placing routers as far away from students as possible.

○ Share this document with teachers and parents.

  • The General Assembly should consider funding education and research on electromagnetic radiation and health as schools add WiFi to classrooms.
  • The Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene should provide suggestions to the public on ways to reduce exposure:

○ Sit away from WiFi routers, especially when people are using it to access the internet.

○ Turn off the wireless on your laptop when you are not using it.

○ Turn off WiFi on smartphones and tablets when not surfing the web.

○ Switch tablets to airplane mode to play games or watch videos stored on the device.

  • This report should be posted on the Council website and shared with the:

○ United States Department of Health and Human Services

○ Federal Communications Commission

○ Maryland State Department of Education

○ Maryland General Assembly”

Physicians’ letters and appendices to the Report can be downloaded.

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